She has survived a broken hip, surgery for a new one plus Covid and here she is at 96. Amazing when I think back to May 2020 when she was in such a bad way and I was sure she was on her way out. She had great day today with a visit from Viv & Steve and video talks with Malc and children and grandchildren. Les is visiting on Tuesday so Sue and I will space it out and go on Thursday. Lots of well wishers on social media so I will need to pass on their messages to Mum when I see her. Happy Birthday Mum.
ITV Meridian News today showed our 21-4-21 start of the walk. Sorry I can’t post the video as my old computer won’t take it on board. Today ITV Meridian showed the short video of us with the children at St Pauls Primary School and the start of our event. I was interviewed but had to repeat it as the interviewer wanted me to stop throwing my arms around. Still not as bad as Stuart’s response to my stardom. When I was running around the field with the children apparently I looked like Benny Hill! Thanks son. Never mind it was great publicity and fun. Getting some photos arriving now so I have added a few below.
Main news has been Matt Hancock’s resignation for being a naughty boy and getting caught and hypocritical. Plenty on the news so I am not repeating it here other to say he was really stupid.