Today I was contacted and told that Barty House will not from now be receiving any visitors due to the rapid increase in Covid cases across Kent. I was taken aback a bit as I thought they were doing so well in keeping the virus out. However, they did confirm that there have been no cases at all at Barty but as there had been several in other care homes, they were not prepared to take a chance. There is no indication for how long the closure will be but I guess it all depends on the future case level. I am sure they will let residents know what’s happening, but I have written to Mum explaining the reasons. I can understand their concerns and I agree that residents and staff health comes first, but I have just managed to track down and buy the Connect 4 game I was going to play Mum at! I had better practice with Sue till I can return to Barty. Currently Sue is two games up and makes the point that I lack spacial awareness. Following which I reply “So why can’t you read a map upside down?” Touche! Seriously, I will miss seeing Mum for a while, but I have been lucky up until now whereas other homes have remained closed to visitors since March. Still, I can maintain contact regarding her condition online, let’s just hope it’s not too long. The main thing is she is content and safe.
I had another good run this morning 5.8 miles so I am getting plenty of exercise. Also had a Zoom meeting with Andy and Colin to progress our idea of volunteers hub within our Rotary club. I will be presenting the idea to club very soon.