So day 1 of the English lockdown. I just hope the one month has some effect in bringing down the R number. Unfortunately, the rules are much less clear this time and walking through town today the big stores were mainly open and consequently many people including myself were out and about. In my defence Sue I had something to deliver in town so we walked there and back as part of our permitted exercise. I suppose walking seven miles does constitute exercise! Travel is only permitted for essential reasons but on our way we saw probably more traffic than when there wasn’t a lockdown. I also feel many people won’t follow the rules this time. My guess is that there will either be an immediate lockdown extension from 2 Dec or there will be another after Xmas.

Mum seems to still be doing Ok. She played boules again today and took part in activities for 2 hours. They also tried to change her blouse this morning but she refused saying it was still clean! Well done Mum you know best! New care home guidance from Govt published today, a strict visiting policy will be needed by all homes. Barty’s is strict so hopefully they will stick to the current rules. No doubt I will hear very soon if there are changes.

The USA presidential election goes on. Biden has a slim lead but Trump has already geared up to contest the legality of the vote. All very pathetic. As I think I said yesterday America is a very divided country now and we can’t rule out civil unrest.

Plenty of noise outside tonight, it sounds like November 5th which I suppose it is. With the amount of fireworks and no communal displays it must all come from families. There must be some money to burn in the country!

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