Great news, Ollie has had his first monthly C&G exam results yesterday. He scored 80% and was awarded a Distinction. He was second out of a class of 15. What makes it even more special is that he only joined the class in September this year and the course started a year ago, so all of his classmates have already done a year already! His exam was entitled Knowledge of Removing and Replacing Light Vehicle Chassis Units and Components. Well done Ollie and keep the good work going, you will do very well.

Yesterday afternoon I removed my Cardio monitor after 24 hrs operation. It was a bit uncomfortable during the night but hopefully the graph will give the medics a good idea of my heart beat pattern. I returned the equipment to the surgery and should hear something in about two weeks time.

Last night I had a phone call around 11.00pm from Barty. I was asleep. Fearing the worst, I answered the call to find out that Mum had bruised her finger in a draw. Nothing broken or damaged so why was I called at that time! Never mind I visited Mum today and although her finger and arm were bruised it wasn’t a problem. I handed the staff my laminated “Instructions on Hearing Aid Maintenance” document along with a box for overnight storage. Mum’s hearing aid was in and working so we had a great hour talking and Mum is looking and sounding well and enjoying her time at Barty. What a turn round over the past few weeks. She enjoyed the videos of Alex playing his jazz on the piano accompanied by James the improvising bassoon player! She loved it.

Chaired my first MLT/Serco/MBC meeting tonight, all went well I thought and STOP PRESS Ollie caught his first pike today. I thought he was on a course?!

College Student at Work?!

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