Took physio’s advice and had insoles fitted to my running shoes today. Had a very short jog to try them out, they feel Ok I’ll see what the longer distances do in due course. Nothing to do with sport but I bought a dome thingy to stop squirrels climbing up the pole to get bird seed. Squirrel eyed it up, climbed on bird bath and leapt over a metre to land on the pole. Guess what, I’ve now moved the bird bath.

Had a 2km swim today, at the Leisure Centre not the birdbath! going quite well, my time is improving.

Home in time to mow the lawn, rain looked imminent but didn’t arrive. Hopefully dry for my Medway Megaliths bike ride tomorrow, really looking forward to it. I have been reading up a lot on neolithic long barrows and it is a fascinating history.

Mum seems Ok again today appear she had a game of darts! words fail me, I see her again next Wednesday.

In an effort to start moving unwanted stuff from my loft I have just advertised a high chair, safety gate and footstools on my local Facebook Market Place. I have had over 30 requests for the items so far in the last couple of hours. I am giving them away but when I message people with my phone number to arrange collection I don’t hear from them. Someone wanted me to deliver to them! I am giving them away for goodness sake!!!

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