I visited Mum yesterday and once we had the hearing aid sorted again I had a lovely hour with her. I showed her videos of Mike’s boys playing their instruments and she was really happy and enjoyed it all. I will be writing a guidance note for staff to help them deal with the hearing aid. Clearly, when Mum can hear she is like a different person.
Today I had a session with a sports injury physio named Kyle. He was excellent, helped me a great deal with the painful foot problem. I am going to get a new fitted insert for my running shoes and I will focus my running on short runs and intervals and then build up slowly. I need to be able to run a comfortable 10 miles by middle of next year so if I follow his advice I should be OK. I mentioned my suspected pirifomus strain and he wasn’t too bothered. Just rest and gentle stretches. Wobblers tomorrow so a gentle ride to Biddenden, i am not doing the TT as that would be pushing my luck.
Cover positive tests rising dramatically in the North, not as bad here, but the time might come for another full lockdown. In the meantime, we stay safe and exercise and hopefully we will avoid the virus. Nutty Trump is back at the White House, still not well but telling everyone all is well. Prat!