Spent some time over the past two days with my friend Andy. We work together on the Maidstone Leisure Trust. Face to face yesterday at his house caught up on Trust and Rotary stuff and also local gossip. This morning we were part of the Rotary litter picking team. Heavy rain to begin with but brightened up soon after we arrived. We cleared the towpath at Allington then we all worked on the area under the M20 bridges that go over the river. Plenty of aerosol cans left by graffiti artists and I even found a bike frame which I guess had been thrown from a vehicle on the M20 bridge. A great haul of rubbish in 3 hours and all part of National Litter Picking Week.
This afternoon it was a Zoom meeting where Andy and I were briefed on the staff restructuring at the Leisure Centre in an effort to cut losses due to the Covid crisis. Looks like job shuffles and unfortunately, some redundancies. Not looking good on the UK scene. Big increases in virus cases especially in the north and London. The R number has risen to 1.1 to 1.5 which means that the virus is spreading fast. However, although daily deaths are are on the increase it is only a few a day at the moment. Local lockdowns in the North and Wales, it looks like the second wave is here. No doubt we will have greater restrictions again soon.
Mum seems to have recovered OK from her fall the other day, according to her care record she seems to be doing reasonably well. I visit again next Tuesday. Viv called her today as she has Martin and Gary staying with her at the moment. As usual Mum has problems hearing over the phone.