Tomorrow Sue and I are off to Devon for a week. We are really looking forward to meeting Malc and family but also to some time to chill out. Having had to cancel Spain in April and again for this month, the virus has a lot to answer for. But then we are the lucky ones. We are not tied to work, haven’t got kids are school and as such we haven’t had the financial worries that the younger generation have. Covid 19 roles on. Cases are increasing every day and in France and Spain, hospital cases are on the rise which is a bad sign.

I went to visit Mum today on an unusually hot day for mid September. Temp peaked at 30 degrees in the South East. As usual Mum had her giddiness and was initially upset, wanting to end it all. I showed her some drawings that Karen had done for Mum’s 60th birthday and also a certificate for Mum’s Mum and Dad’s 50th wedding anniversary. That got her interest for a while but it soon wained and she got tired so I cut my visit short. Despite all that she wished us a good trip to Devon and sent everyone her love. She still knows that she is in the best place she could be in, as she is now very frail.

I checked Mum’s care notes tonight and the GP saw her after I left and it looks like the inflammation on her leg hasn’t gone away and he has prescribed another course of antibiotics this time they are Fluxockacillin, I hope they work and she doesn’t suffer side effects from them.

I started these Coronavirus Blogs on March 22nd when the outbreak really started in the UK. At that time I thought it would be gone by now and the blogs could ended. How wrong I was. 6 months later after a period of some calm it is on the rise again. I like stories with a happy ending but as there will be no more blogs from me at least for the next week I have to consider whether or not I continue or draw a line at this stage. At the moment I am thinking it will be a week’s break only because the story needs to have a conclusion and hopefully one day a relatively happy ending, however, I’ll decide on my return.

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