Poor Mum is having a few problems. Her hip wound is inflamed and she is now on antibiotics. It is a seven day course and hopefully will remove any infection if that is what it is. The nursing staff have trimmed the stitch in the wound as that was bothering Mum as well. I had a chat with Julie Ann the nurse who was very helpful and they are keeping a close eye on her. Mum had a Covid test on Thursday but as yet the results are not back. She cannot come out of quarantine until she gets the all clear which probably won’t be till Monday now. I am due to visit that day so I will need to find out the situation first thing on Monday. All this isn’t helping Mum’s mental well being, she keeps getting upset worrying about Malc and is forgetting a lot of things now.
I went on a short run with Sue this morning, she is going very well, it’s just her breathing that is difficult. I am sure the fresh air and exercise is good for her. We have raised £105 so far for Cancer Research for our run on the 26th Sept.
Today I received my appointment for my 24 hour cardio test which came as a result of my slow heart rate when tested a few weeks ago. I have to go to Snodland on the 12th October to be fitted with it. I then return it the next day and the cardiologist then compares it with the one I had done at the time of my tests.
Tonight I was sent a few photos from the memorial service on Wednesday. Not something I particularly want to remember much, but they do show who was there.