
According to the care plan Mum has a possible infection in the stitch area on her hip. It is red and giving a burning sensation. The GP has been contacted and will see her soon hopefully. She is also upset as she doesn’t understand why she can’t leave her room. Staff try to explain about the quarantine but she doesn’t get it. Tomorrow I will ring to find out when she is able to mix with others again, she needs social interaction. It should be tomorrow but no doubt she will have to have a Covid test beforehand. I am booked in as her visitor on Monday so hopefully she should be out of quarantine well before that.

Many of the schools re-opened yesterday and all of our grandchildren have now returned. They look lovely in their new uniforms. Six months out of school has been a long time, no doubt it will take a while for them all to settle into the new world of social distancing and face coverings.We did call Ollie late this morning to wish him luck with college next week. Unfortunately we woke him up , it was only 11.45am! We told him he needs to practice getting up early, college starts on Monday! I am sure he will be OK he is really looking forward to it.

I did a 14 mile bike ride today followed by my two mile run. Found the run quite tiring but I was slightly quicker than the same route a couple of days ago. Stuart and family are clocking up the miles in the swimming pool. Between them they are swimming the distance across the channel. Good on them. Stuart wants me to join, but I still have stitches in my mouth so not a good idea.

Sue and I and friend Maggie and her husband have entered the Very Race for Life in aid of Cancer Research on 26th Sept. It cannot be a mass run so we work out our own 5Km route, run it on the day and submit our outcome on completion. We have a website for people to donate so we are hopeful to raise a few bob.

Big Bloke
Little Bloke
Both Blokes

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