The tooth has gone! Surgeon arrived late for my early appointment yesterday. The clinic is a converted bungalow in Wigmore and did not look as though it had the same high standards that I am used to. However, the surgeon was very matter of fact, gave me a sheet of post op dos and don’ts then set about trying to get the offending tooth out. Not a good start as I had to have about 5 or so injections to numb the area and a couple of the needles were painful to say the least. Then it was like something out of a 1920’s dentist comedy. At one stage I thought the surgeon was going to climb on the chair to get a better purchase. He poked and cut and pulled and pushed resulting in the top part of the tooth being broken into pieces.
On examination he decided that he would need to drill out part of the jaw bone as the tooth had grown into it. For this jolly part of the procedure he and the nurse disappeared from the room to get dressed in full PPE. 5 mins later in they came dressed like it was a covid ward. Then I had to listen to him singing to himself presumably to detract from the noise of the drill.
Then a call to the nurse for the plyers-yes he actually said that!- then a big heave and out came the tooth. All done on the NHS so not complaining. Back home under the wonderful care of my dear nurse Sue, the anaesthetic wore off and it became very painful. She rang our GP surgery for some stronger painkillers than Ibrobufen and was told that GPs don’t prescribe for dentistry. Sue was annoyed with the lack of help and empathy, it wasn’t like that when she was Practice Manager at that same surgery!
Contact with the local pharmacy was much better and Sue got me some pills and they enabled me to sleep reasonably well. A relaxed weekend now and hopefully the swelling should start to diminish next week.