As expected my tooth infection is taking the same path as a few weeks ago, very painful. Now on Ibrobufen and Paracetamol for the pain once again. I contacted the dental surgery (not hospital as I have now found out) and they were very good and as result they have slotted me in for oral surgery on Friday at 9.00 am. The surgeon has see my notes and is happy to extract the wisdom tooth. Apparently it will be a local anaesthtic but I am not bothered as I want this infection pain to be removed. He told me he might have to cut into bone to make enough room to do the extraction, that should be fun! In the meantime I have another course of antibiotics so I am not up to any exercise. I did a bit work in the garden but that didn’t last long.

The GP saw Mum today at the Home and advised the nursing staff to remove the stitches in her head in 14 days time. Looks like she also took out her left hearing aid and stuck it down the side of a chair. It took an extensive search by staff to find it. I only wish they could find the other one but that’s not looking hopeful now. I am still awaiting a reply from the Ambulance Service and Barty believe the hearing aid and dentures must be in the hospital despite the paperwork stating otherwise.

During my lazy day and as a distraction from the pain, I decided to get my Canon camera up and running again. It is not as powerful as I Phone but I have a couple of decent lenses. So I have practiced on the little birds feeding in my wild meadow. I am using the garage as my hide. Quite pleased with my first attempt at close ups.

Goldfinches Guarding the Seeds
Joined by a Dunnock ( I think)
Long Lens in Use

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