Today was cousin Stephen’s funeral. Sue and I watched it online. A very moving and well presented occasion. Stephen was only 59, a very sad loss especially for all the family.

Sue went on her 6 mthly visit to Robertsbridge to have lunch with her dear friend Rosemary, whose husband died last year. She is doing OK and the girls had a lovely time chatting and eating.

Back at home another relaxing day was in store for me. Far be it from me to keeping harping on about my toothache, but I still have it. However, the antibiotics are slowly clearing the infection, which is what I am sure I have. So today has been a very quiet day following a reasonable night with a few hours sleep. I had to cancel my lake swim this morning and also my visit to Mum this afternoon. Fortunately, dear Uncle Les stood in for me and spent some time with Mum. He called me this evening to say that she is doing reasonably well although she has plasters on parts of her body where the skin is very thin and she has probably scratched it. For all of this according to her online care record, she played throwing a bean bag at a target and she won! Not that I am surprised.

After having just bought a Garmin watch, there has now been a major cyber attack on Garmin and it has caused a serious outage. In the grand scheme of things not being able to record all my run/cycle/swim stats is not the end of the world and I suppose now is the best time as I am doing absolutely no exercise.

So, riddled with idle guilt from doing nothing much I sat and watched the 1955 film, the Dam Busters on Film4. A brilliant old film it was one of the few distinct memories of my Dad when he took me to the Palace cinema in Gabriels Hill in that year, I was 8 yrs old.

I will try to get over the worst of the tooth problem this weekend and once I finish the antibiotics and the painkillers I will start to get myself fit again. Boris has told everyone to get fit and lose weight so that is what I must do. From today the law requires us all to wear masks in shops and similar establishments. Let’s hope it helps us avoid a second Covid19 epidemic. Both France and Spain now have big increases in cases so our holiday is starting to look in serious doubt now. I might have to think of a plan B.

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