I did a short bike ride to the shops for Sue’s paper this morning to test the bike function on my new watch. Seemed to work fine. Bigger test this afternoon to try the running mode. I intended to run 5k, the watch records each km or so I thought. After 3 km I was surprised that I was no way near home which I knew should be home. It then occurred to me that the watch is calibrated in miles! Nothing wrong with the watch, just my brain! So I added a few Km to the run and made it 5 miles. Good result and very pleased with the watch and reasonably happy with my run time. Checking the pace mode is certainly a motivator.

Some rain this morning so I spent some time writing up briefing notes for next year’s 21miles for 21 years Shelterbox pull from Swanley to Maidstone. This Tuesday I will be giving a presentation to the club about the plan.

News on the pandemic front not looking good, quote from today’s news:

“Coronavirus is continuing its spread across the world, with more than 14 million confirmed cases in 188 countries. More than 600,000 people have lost their lives.The number of new cases rose by almost 260,000 in 24 hours – the largest single-day increase since the pandemic began – the World Health Organization (WHO) said on Saturday.”

UK might be easing but world isn’t. Catalonia now in lockdown, French considering closing Spanish borders. This would put pay to our holiday in September if they closed all borders. If they close the Catalonian side then we would have to divert over the Pyrenees and re- book accommodation.

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