Sue’s turn today. Mum’s reaction was much as I received my welcome. Very hot day today (28 degrees) so she was dizzy and uncooperative for about 10 mins then settled down and conversation was a reasonable 50 minutes. Mum seems happy with the home, she is just not happy being 95 and who can blame her?!

Meanwhile I went out for a ride with my friend Mike. Great route down to Wadhurst and nice cafe. Mike getting very edgy with vehicles and tends to shout at the wrong type of people. Today there was a potentially nasty incident, I had to calm down the situation, all Ok in the end. My mileage overall was 47 miles. Nice chat with Mike and his wife back at their place.

My new Garmin Instinct watch arrived today so I have spent considerable time going through the set up instructions, it’s looking good and can’t wait to try it out particularly with swimming.

Ended the day with a BBQ, it’s going to be cooler tomorrow with a bit of rain so it’s indoor jobs catching up on paperwork and if time, some work on my 21 Miles for 21 Years event, I have been asked to present it to club on Tuesday.

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