Nothing much to report today, had a blood test and ECG for the bit of dizziness I’ve had lately. Heart seems OK await blood test results probably on Monday. Other than that a bit of gardening and started working on next year’s Rotary project. More on that in due course most likely.

74 Covid deaths on today’s news but in next few days compulsory to wear masks in shops. Interesting report that in refugee camps and some third world countries the cases are increasing. There the pandemic will not even peak until between 2 and 6 months time. My project will try to at least raise a bit of funding to help Shelterbox who are working these areas.

Leicester’s lockdown has been eased slightly although there are hotspots in several other towns in the UK. It’s far from over yet.

Viv spoke to Mum on phone, had some nice conversation, let’s hope Sue gets the same on Saturday.

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