Sad news today, my cousin Stephen passed away after a long battle with cancer. His Dad, Eric is not at all well and has been going through cancer treatment for some time. Particularly difficult for Eric, Doreen and all their family especially as Stephen’s brother David died many years ago, also of cancer. I spoke to Eric and Doreen by phone tonight, understandably they are finding it all very difficult. I went to David’s funeral but it won’t be possible for Stephens because of the limited numbers due to Covid 19. Our love and thoughts are with their family at this time.

On a lighter note I had a good bike ride of 46 miles with my Wobbler friends. We were joined by Les’s daughter Julie for some of the ride which was nice. About dozen or so of us arrived at the Hartley coffee shop only to find it closed. Unfortunately, after working hard to get the cafe up and running after lockdown, there was a total powercut in the area! There were a lot of roadworks going on along the main road nearby, so far bit it for me to make assumptions, but such works are often the cause of electricity cuts.

We made our way to the Woolpack at Benover where we spent a lovely hour in the garden. Table waitress service for lunch is a small but nice compensation for what has arisen from social distancing. Noticeably today, despite the increase of traffic on the roads the vehicles don’t show any sign of slowing down. Maybe they are all chasing work to make a living in what is turning out to be the worst recession in 200 years.

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