After my previous visit I was hoping that Mum might be more receptive today. Unfortunately, on my arrival she was once again overcome with distress and like before, said she had enough and wanted to “be gone”. For the next 5 minutes I tried to console her by giving her news of the family and how well she had done when Les visited. This worked and fortunately, I had brought her in another one of her old photo albums and she settled down. We then had a nice chat for the next 55 mins !

Mum has no complaints with the home and fully agrees that she should be there but just recognises that 95 years is enough and who am I to disagree, I am sure I will feel that way at her age, unless of course I am busy doing triathlons in my new age group! Mum has made friends with a nice chap so she appears to be mixing well. Main thing is she is safe, not unhappy with the home and is eating and sleeping Ok despite her telling me she never sleeps.

Weekend weather looks good for tomorrow so I am off for a bike ride with friend Mike D. Sue is having her hair done, she is so excited!!

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