Today the Govt has given the go ahead to allow gyms/leisure centres to open from 25th July. We are all ready at Maidstone but there will be restrictions including bookings only, social distancing, time and lane spacing limits in the pool. We had an online Trust meeting this morning to update trustees on the situation and also a need to enrol at least a couple more trustees for the future. We hope to open the Adventure Centre in the next few days. Negotiations between MBC and Serco are progressing and a figure to redress Sercos losses should be resolved soon.

I have had a quiet day, popped into town on the EBike, 9 mins to town centre and 14 mins home, great bike. Beats driving a car to town every time. Bit dizzy again today and feeling generally lethargic. Probably tired after my long ride yesterday. Off to see Mum tomorrow, Viv phoned her today and Mum seemed very positive and happy at the moment in Barty. I’ll see what tomorrow brings when she sees me. Hopefully, all will be well. fingers crossed.

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