A miserable wet June day, but it didn’t stop me jumping on the E Bike to go one last time to Mum’s flat to read the meter and handover the keys. End of an era. Viv rang Mum today and had a reasonable conservation with her and her only moan was the weather. She has a lovely expression for dull conditions, which is the title of this blog.
After visiting Mum’s flat I popped into the town centre to cash a cheque. Interesting experience. The bank had a reasonably long queue as the bank, like every where else, was conforming with limited numbers and social distancing. I took my place behind a couple who were complaining about having to wait (despite the length of queue my total wait was 10 mins!). Then one of the couple said for all to hear ” I don’t know what all the fuss is about with this Covid thing. No sign of it here and in any case the Govt should not have had a lockdown and we could have all caught the virus and got it out of the way by now and we wouldn’t now have to queue.” and she was serious!
I turned away and cowardly didn’t respond but a lady behind me was livid. She said she was a nurse on an ICU unit at a hospital and was disgusted that anyone could think like that let alone say it in public. The couple could obviously hear her but chose not to even turn and face the nurse. Nor did they when I added that yesterday I attended the funeral of one of my best friends who died of the Covid virus. One wonders how many more ignorant people there are like that, multiply that across the country and I am sure we will have a second wave later in the year as predicted by some.
Our Rotary club Zoom meeting tonight had Helen Grant our MP with us to talk and answer some questions. Amongst other topics she stressed the point that the pandemic is far from over and unless we all keep taking sensible precautions it will continue to be with us for the foreseeable future. Today Leicester was put back on lockdown due to it’s rate of infection being 3 times higher that the rest of the country.
Good news time tonight- Mote Runners will meet as a club again next week. No use of club room, runners split into small groups maintaining distance as required but we will be running in Mote Park again. I look forward to it.