32 degrees centigrade in Maidstone, Gatwick 34. Viv went to visit Mum. Bad experience, unfortunately. It was very hot, Mum was extremely upset, she couldn’t hear Viv. I think Mum reacted the same way as she did for me plus the heat was all too much. She was in a wheelchair as she was afraid of falling. I felt very sad for Viv but I am not too worried, Mum is not blaming the home, thank goodness I just think she gets worked up when she sees close family. She cried a lot and wanted to “be gone”. I felt sorry for Viv but she understands. Sue will visit on Mum’s birthday on Saturday. The heatwave will be over so it might be easier. I have booked in Les for next Thursday. I have to say that I am happy only to see Mum occasionally as long as I know she is safe and looked after well, which she is. Viv told me the staff were adamant that she was Ok this morning!

After a Leisure Trust meeting online this morning I took the TCR bike for a run to Biddenden. Not too hot as there was a nice breeze created at speed! However, when stopping at junctions it was like an oven. 34 miles today, very nice. Sue and I had a BBQ in the evening and sat in the garden almost till nightfall. Tomorrow is another hot day. I will go to Mum’s flat as the van will be arriving to clear what we left. Hopefully, I will get a handover done on Tuesday. No good on Monday, it will be Ray’s funeral. On another sad note, Carolyn, (one of our Rotary Club members) husband Malcolm died today. He was also a Rotarian at an Ashford club. He had cancer and had been poorly for a few years.

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