After a lazy morning sorting odd jobs at home I decided to do my longest and hardest run for many years. I record all my runs on Strava but unfortunately I failed to press the start button on my phone so I had no permanent record of the run. The stats would have put me in the top three on my running club’s leader board. Unfortunately, results are taken directly from the Strava app on my phone. So that was disappointing, serves me right for being so competitive.
However I did know the route so I checked it on my Garmin app on my computer and it looks like I ran exactly 8 miles with a climb total of 536ft. That was my longest run for many a long year. It also included running, just, up 17% East Hall Hill and the similarly steep Old Loose Hill at the end. I also tested my new running belt which Mike kindly bought me for Fathers Day, which is tomorrow. I knew it coming so I persuaded Sue to unpack it and use a day early. Don’t tell Mike! However, it has convinced me to splash out and buy a sports watch so I don’t have to keep using my mobile for recording the run.
Viv spoke to Mum on FaceTime today and all appears well. Looks like she has settled now since she and I agreed that Barty should be her new home.