Hooray??!! Today non-essential shops were allowed to open. Queues formed mainly for Primark and Sports Direct. From the news not a lot of safe distancing whilst waiting and a few scuffles trying to get in first! The world has gone mad!

I did a bit more tidying and sorting Mums stuff at the flat today. Getting close now to Wed when I meet Mum. Not looking forward to talking to her about her future.

Surprise surprise, my garden plants have arrived in the post. I ordered them online on 14th April when no garden centres were open. Two months later they arrive trussed up in cardboard, plastic and tape. Some of the plants looking bedraggled and have already flowered. Apparently I can get a full refund if I send them back.Whoever tears open boxes and wrapping to see what contents are like and then rebuilds or makes special containers to return them I planted them all today and hope they survive. A lesson learnt never again buy plants online.

Watched Cliff’s funeral on video today. Very sad but these limited attendance services are very difficult, hopefully they will get back to normal soon so family and friends can all be there to say farewell. RIP Cliff.

A Withering Willow
A Healthy Hebe
A Not so Healthy Hebe

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