The weather is now cooler and cloudier so a bit of light gardening was the order of the day. In the afternoon I decided to do an elevation run, which takes in as many hills as possible over a shortish distance. I extended my route from Loose to Linton X roads and then down to Wheelers Lane and back up the lovely but very steep Vanity Lane. A light sprinkling of misty rain to cool was ideal and I even managed a photo on the hill. I am no longer worried about my pace as it is very slow and I am unlikely now to get any faster, but my total hill climb today was 709 feet which after two runs put me on top of the Mote Runers elevation table! It will be short lived but worth the effort.
So I was happily jogging back down Well St almost back to Loose when I stopped as a huge tree had fallen and blocked the entire road. Some local people were there so I went to the blockage and looked underneath to see if I could crawl through. It look very difficult so I decided to withdraw and find another route. Just as I was clear of the tree there was an almighty crash from the other side and I could just make our the front of a large white van. Then another crash and then another. It became clear that the driver was trying to crash his way right through.
After several runs at it he clearly had failed. I was then talking to the bystanders when all of a sudden a young man dressed in just shorts and no shoes or socks, appeared from under the tree. I have never seen anyone run so fast, he quickly disappeared up the hill towards Coxheath. It all happened so quickly that I never thought to take a photo of him. In retrospect it was a stolen van and the culprit was legging it away as fast as he could.
Tomorrow it is my turn for the housework, surely that will be safe??!!