After collecting James’s new bike from Senacre Cycles, Sue and I headed off to Beckenham for afternoon tea in the garden. This was the first time we had seen the family since before the lockdown. We kept our 2m distance but it was difficult as we all wanted cuddles. However, the boys fully understood so kept their distance. I then had to go for a short bike ride with James. I took Mike’s bike and of course, James was on his new one. He is very pleased with it, well done Cedric at Senacre Cycles. Working alone, today he had to deal with many customers but had found time to assemble the new bike for us.
James took me through a park then onto his other grandparents house where Grandad Philip chatted from a distance. Back at Manor Way of course, Alex wanted a ride alongside me so off we went for another ride. Another beautiful and sunny day. May is finishing as the driest May on record.
I heard from Viv today. She had contacted Barty House and it sounds like Mum is starting to settle slightly in her new room. It is situated right near the nurses station so they can keep an eye on her. She does have to remain in her room for a few more days then she can mix with the other residents. I still remain very uncertain as to whether or not she can go back to the flat after her respite period. Nice phone call chat with Mum’s neighbour Sue. She is going to send some flowers to Mum from her and her family, that’s nice.
All being well, tomorrow I am having some me time and going for a lone bike ride up over the hills. Sue is looking forward to some quiet time reading her many books.