I am starting to loose track of time since my last blog. Sue and I have worked non stop trying to sort Mum out. I had a couple of nights with Mum and haven’t yet fully recovered and am extremely tired. Viv drove down yesterday and is staying till Monday, bless her. I had a nice birthday including a Zoom meeting with our family. Rather rowdy from the younger ones but they are all doing Ok under the current circumstances. Still not sure who will or will not go back to school at beginning of June. There is quite a groundswell of opposition from parents. We shall see.

After investigating residential care, the only two homes that would take Mum were Invicta and Barty. Invicta was looking good but after assessment they rejected her as they are a new home and not yet fully staffed with those who could meet Mum’s needs. Barty are operating an isolation for newcomers for up to two weeks and we decided that Mum would hate that.

We investigated having a night-time carer through Caremark a local company that Chris B recommended, but we have now ruled that out mainly on cost and maybe a reluctance by Mum having someone in the flat all night, there were also some practical issues. So now we are back to leaving Mum alone at night but with an additional carer in the morning and evening. Unfortunately, Helping Hands cannot provide additional cover at the moment but Caremark probably can. They will get back to me once that have sorted their staffing arrangements. This is now a BH weekend so we start again after that. However, Sue and I now have a couple of days rest, hopefully.

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