Last winter I joined Mote Runners, a friendly bunch who get together to run. Except now of course, we don’t get together! However, we keep in touch via a brilliant website into which we feed our run stats through Strava. For a bit of fun each week there is a Leader Board. Top 3 distances, pace and elevation. My distances are improving but not anything like the majority of the club. My pace is non-existent so know need to compete there. However, by making sure I run up old Loose Hill a few times I can sometimes make an impression on elevation. I did manage a third place some weeks ago but this week I came second out of 28 so very pleased with that. I was also commended for doing more runs in the week than anyone else. Cheating a bit really, some of them were walks with Sue!

At the start of lockdown I promised to do a £1 a mile for all my runs and then joined me on walks, so on every walk the amount doubles. I had hoped lockdown would be finished by now, but no such luck. It goes so the £1s mount up. Looks like Malc’s Parkinson Group will get in excess of £200 from Sue and I.

I did find some time to clean the car and also apply a special wet wax, it looks like a new car. How sad am I getting?! On the subject of sad, Mum had another bad day. Dizziness most of day, so off I went at 6.00pm to do my job as the official evening carer. Mum is looking very frail and her dizziness is not improving. I did my best and got her settled. Same time tomorrow night and the foreseeable future. UK deaths down to 170 today but the low figures usually happen on Sundays and Mondays because of late reporting over the weekend. Warm weather again, social distance will be severely rested once again.

9.20pm a call from Mum, where are paracetamols, I’m a bit giddy? She didn’t sound overly distraught so we haven’t responded. This is the latest we have had a call. Another call at 0940, I calmed her a bit on the phone. I told he she had all the tablets she can have.

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