Barty House are allowing respite care. However and understandably they require Mum to have a Covid19 test before she goes but they are putting all newcomers onto the first floor in quarantine for 10 days. Mum being stuck in a room for that time is a non- starter. So until Helping Hands can give us an evening carer it looks like my visit to Mum will become a regular occurrence. Did some shopping for her this morning, topped her up on her favourite trifles and chic ices. She did eat her dinner that carer gave her. Her back is still a problem but the increase in medication might help. Not complaining of dizziness this morning, but the witching hour now approaches!

I had a 6.0 mile run early this morning, just a steady plod but going nicely at the moment. Sue has a bit of a hip joint problem so we went for a gentle walk this afternoon. Sun breaking through and it looks like getting warmer tomorrow.

In the news, a great push by Govt to get kids back to school, but also a lot of opposition. A lockdown protest held in Hyde Park today, something to do with human rights. Utter rubbish, another 465 deaths today, still a long way to go. Fears tomorrow that Sunday sun worshippers will head for coast and beauty spots in worrying numbers. We do not want the virus casualties to peak again just as we are making progress, albeit very slowly.

Bit more good news from Ollie, his all night fishing trip was a success a 9.5lb bream!

GUESS WHAT ?! 6.30pm manic call from Mum, pills missing, dizzy can’t cope. I went there, usual routine, checked pill situation, made warm milk, nightie on ( Mum not me) applied creme to bruises, sat and chatted , home at 7.30pm for dinner. I have now decided that I will become the 6.00pm carer and go at that time to try to avoid receiving the dreaded call. Hopefully, I will calm her before she empties all the drawers looking for pills. Once she has calmed down she accepts my explanations for her behaviour. I tell her it’s not her fault but she still feels guilty for calling me. Also in her anxious state she tries to get pills from the neighbours who of course refuse, but then they feel bad. Sue bless her has offered to do the occasional shift in my place. I look forward to getting another carer to give us a rest. Nothing available yet.

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