Sue went with Mum,( only one person allowed with the patient) to see Dr and have blood tests. Both had to wear masks which was uncomfortable . Very good consultation. Outcome double dose of dizzy pills to combat increasing problem and associated anxiety. Shoulder seems to be arthritis so some stronger creme for that. Shoulder pain worse as nasty bruise on shoulder from recent slip/fall. STOP PRESS as I write this at 7.00 pm Mum has rung can’t find tablets and she is dizzy. She is upset, Sue tried to sooth her. This is third time she has called like this in 4 days. We will try and get the increase dosage tomorrow if possible. 8.15pm, I have had dinner and the NHS clapping session and I have decided that unless Mum calls again I am not going to go to see her tonight. I am feeling awful and guilty, but I can’t keep responding in this way. 9.00pm another STOP PRESS. Mum called again pills missing and shoulder hurts. Off I went. 10.00pm arrived back home. Calmed Mum down, sorted pills and applied Volterol to her bruised shoulder and noticed a huge bruise on her back. No wonder she has been in pain. She got ready for bed had some warm milk and hopefully she will sleep Ok.

One bit of good news which also brightened Mum up a bit. Ollie has done well in interview for a C&G Course at Berkshire Agricultural College. Subject to a few aspects that need checking he looks like he might join the Motor Vehicles Repair Course. Couldn’t be better, well done Ollie.

One Comment to “Mum to Doctors”

  1. Jessica Plumridge says:

    Hello Clive,
    We used to be good friends with your mum when my parents lived in Oxford Road, she was a godsend and I would love to write to her.
    Please can you give me details of where to address it?
    I’m happy to send it to you if that’s easier.
    We’re so excited to have found this site!
    Kindest regards,
    Jessica Plumridge
    (daughter of philomena and John)

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