What a mixture of highs and lows yesterday. A beautifully warm and sunny day for the celebrations. We sang We’ll Meet Again with neighbours, keeping distance of course. Cycled with Sue to see Mum in morning, lovely to see so many people along the way enjoying the day. Unfortunately, Mum had headache/dizziness yet again and the heat was getting to her. With Sue’s help and some more pills she started to improve, but it is clear Mum is getting weaker. Once we were home we sat in the front garden talking to our neighbours and enjoying the Chapel Down Champagne that the boys bought us for our anniversary. Then a call from Mum, couldn’t find her pills! Sue managed to speak to her and ease her panic and settled her down. A quiet night so we will visit today to see how she is. I have decided to speak to Helping Hands on Monday to explore other means of help. Not looking good, I’m afraid.

On the brighter side the KM did publish Mum’s story on Kent Online https://www.kentonline.co.uk/tonbridge/news/i-met-my-future-husband-on-ve-day-1945-226878/ we hope they publish it next week in the KM so she can read it.

On top of everything else I received a letter from the Chief Executive of MBC. Andy has drafted a reply and I will have to go through it today. Looks like there’ll be a lot to do next week. Beginning to wish I hadn’t taken on the voluntary job as a Trustee!

An Enjoyable Break

After last night’s debarckle with Mum’s pills, Sue and I visited again this morning. Mum not so bad, she had a reasonable night’s sleep. We changed sheet as it was not very pleasant and restocked her freezer. Audrey said Mum was really upset last night and she saw Mum trying to climb up the fridge looking for tablets. However, this afternoon our medicine chest arrived so I will go and install it in the morning and then everything will be locked away and access will only be by carers and me. The carers will be administering pills from Monday and we are going to get them to include two betahystine each day to try and suppress the dizziness.

The rest of the day we have made the most of the warm sunshine, tomorrow it is back to spring temperatures. Sue helped me with the MBC letter reply that Andy has drafted and I will deal with that tomorrow also. You never know I might get a run or bike ride in afterwards!

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