VE day tomorrow and they have changed the May BH from last week so they coincide. Lots of families are putting bunting and flags in readiness for tomorrow. We have some on our garage door. Will visit Mum in the afternoon as they have a little celebration. As it is very special for Mum as 75 yrs since she fell on top of Dad at the VE Day celebration 1945 ! Mum has now had over 300 likes on Facebook with her story, everyone seems to like a good old love story.
I started the day with a Leisure Trust /MBC/Serco conference call. Some big issues to sort out but the meeting was amicable. I will have another meeting on Tues with the Serco MD and then back to MBC to see if we can resolve some financial issues due to the virus lockdown.
Had a couple of hours rest afterwards in the garden sunshine and then Sue and I went on yet another walk of exploration. Discovered some of the hidden pathways through the wooded valley near the scout land. A BBQ in the evening, nice to have some chicken and sausages for a change. Then it was Thursday night clapping. Nearly all the residents outside their houses making a noise for two minutes. Everyone now waiting to see if Boris eases the lockdown. Generally it’s thought that it will be minimal as deaths have not reduced sufficiently for any dramatic change.