This morning Sue and I went to see Mum, usual laundry and shopping but mainly to discuss a new medicine regime where the carers will have permission to administer her medicines. Mum quite receptive but I am sure she will forget. She spoke on phone to KM reporter about her VE Day experiences and I hung out some bunting in front of her flat and I also put some on my garage front at home. Hopefully there might be a bit in next weeks KM with any luck. I also put a summary story and a couple of photos on Facebook today. By this evening there has been about 250 responses. Shame Mum is not online,so I will have to show her on my phone, not very easy.
Great plans in the afternoon for some gardening and a run. Neither happened. I spent all afternoon on calls concerning the Leisure Trust. Some difficult stuff to deal with. Big meeting tomorrow morning, should be interesting.
Neil the builder called and as soon as he is allowed to work again he will rebuild our wall that Nat knocked down, hopefully next week.
More people about today, a lot of anticipation that there may be a phased and slow return to some types of work when the PM addresses the nation on Sunday. We just hope this doesn’t turn into a scramble back to work both legally and illegally. Great news just as I write this, Toby and Nat both received negative virus test results.Yippee!! No need for 14 days quarantine, Nat can go back to help at her school and Toby can carry on being a madman!