After his period of recovery Boris is back at work and leading the daily update on BBC. He tells us that the UK has reached the peak of the pandemic but the The Chief Medical Officer was quick to remind us that we are far from the end. The lockdown will continue until all the Govt’s 5 tests are met so there is a long way to go yet. Deaths today in the 600s but that now includes all Covid-19 recorded deaths not just in hospitals.

Captain Tom is 100 today and is promoted to Colonel. Special spitfire fly past for him. He has now raised £31 million! Fantastic national support. That seemed to be reflected in tonight’s 8.00pm clapping session which has now become a cacophony of different sounds. Both Jasper and Rupert next door joined in, they loved it.

As for today’s other activities I started off my weekly conference call with MBC and Serco. Interesting contractual issues under discussion, the outcome should be very interesting for the future of the leisure in Maidstone.

Sue and I then went for a gentle 12 mile bike ride and managed to miss the showers. After that I helped with the housework, vacuuming and dusting, come back soon, Julie! A very short FaceTime bassoon practice for James today he had schoolwork to finish.

I had a good gym session, used my IPad to show past elite bike races. Great one in the T de F Alpe d’Ez climb. My cadence on the turbo was hardly enough to keep up with the leaders and that was on the 20% part of the climb. Ah.. I remember doing the real climb, it took most of the day I recall.

Earlier this week Helping Hands were featured in The One Show when Jo Pasquale volunteered to deliver PPE for them in Essex. I then spoke to Amy from Maidstone and I offered Sue and my help in our area. Amy will speak to Sue the manager and get back to me tomorrow. I hope we can help, they have been so good helping Mum, who incidentally rang this evening. Thankfully, no problem just wanted to make sure I am going to see her tomorrow she needs some shopping. Not more trifles?!!

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