No, not Mum Mary. It was our friend Mary. We had a call from her just before 8.00am today. She had been stung by a wasp in her kitchen and was having an anaphylactic reaction, swelling in arms etc. With ambulance called, Sue and I went straight round to see her. Brilliant paramedics were there in about 15 mins. They carried out tests and Andrew her son, arrived with some pills. She remained very tired all day and we checked in the evening and she was feeling better.

After that Mary’s episode I visited Mum, the other Mary. She was not looking good, dizzy and headache, eye hurting and generally looking her age. However, a cup of coffee and a couple of pills helped her to pick up a bit. Handyman from Goldings Lifeline arrived and programmed a new wrist unit to replace the one Mum has lost (I mean mislaid!) Over £50 so I hope she manages to keep it available. It would help if she wore it all the time. It does worry me if she has a fall, particularly at night. Today’s carer Rhianne, gave her a meal which she ate, that was good to see.

A lot more rain today so no outside exercise but I used my homemade gym again. Sue had a try on the turbo, I hope she keeps it gong, it’s excellent exercise. We had another FaceTime with James. He has been asking to watch and advise?? on his bassoon practice. He had his lesson today and his teacher was very pleased with his progress.

Boris had another day off work today as his partner has given birth to a little boy. Both doing well, which is good news as his Mum and Dad have both had Covid-19.

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