My first day of lockdown spent indoors all day. Well apart from going to the garage to workout in my makeshift gym. Spent the morning sorting and thinning some files and cleaning the office window frames. That completes all in the house now. The rain is welcome for the garden but the heating is back on in the evening.
Spent some time on Leisure Trust business and joined the weekly Riverside Rotary Zoom meeting. We had a quiz where I scored one out of 24. I don’t like quizzes! In AOB I raised the concern over the spread of the virus in refugee camps such as Syria. Shelter Box are sending out wash basins and soap along with proper shelter equipment. If we think we are having problems it is nothing compared to what those poor souls are going through.
The Govt briefing today explained that the statistics we have been using for hospital Covid-19 deaths will now be joined with the Covid deaths away from hospitals, such as in care homes and at home. This should be more realistic in the overall picture. Good news is that we have plenty of Covid beds available now in hospital as less people are being admitted. Govt still sticking to the lockdown until all of their five criteria are met.