Sue and I did Mum’s shopping today. Sainsbury’s is much better now, good distance controls, plenty of stock and fewer than normal numbers of people. Carer Caroline was at Mums, she gave her dinner, which she ate but forgot having it within an hour when we asked her what she had. Short term memory really bad now. However, Mum hadn’t forgotten her Mum’s birthday today, Grandma Dulcie would have been 120 today! Plenty of washing to take away but tomorrow’s forecast is heavy rain. We need it for the garden but it will be jobs in doors tomorrow. Mum’s toe nails really long now, but despite several phone calls we cannot find a chiropodist working anywhere.

Boris the PM is back to work but understandably wants the lockdown to continue to ensure we don’t have a second peak. Today 240 deaths in hospitals, so another slight reduction. We have to be patient.

A bit more gardening this afternoon whilst Sue got the washing done and dried in anticipation of the rain to come. I think the lockdown is getting to us all now. I brought the washing in including a pair of disposable gloves which Sue had washed!

I have retrieved my turbo trainer and bike from Norman and loaned him my MTB so he can get some road practice in. I now have a decent gym in my garage. Turbo Cycling, Core strength machine and my home made pulley system swimming ropes. After some considerable hilly runs and walks last week I finished third in the elevation section of our running club leaders board. Much less this week I fear looking at the weather prospects.

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