A lovely sunny day, but chilly easterly wind. This afternoon Sue and I had a gentle ride to see the bluebells in the sunshine. We went down Church Hill then along Chart Rd and back up via East Hall Hill. Sue prefers her old bike to the E Bike I bought for her, so I rode that, not using the electric motor of course! We walked for the steepest part (17%) and enjoyed the views. Stood on the Greensand Way overlooking the glorious Weald of Kent and did deep breathing exercises to keep our lungs functioning well. If, Heaven forbid, the virus catches us we will need the best performing lungs possible. Only a 10 mile ride but most enjoyable.
Govt have quashed rumours that schools will re- open in 3 weeks. It is looking likely that the lockdown will go on till the end of the summer. The Sunday Times even reported that the Govt are thinking that the over 70’s may have to remain in lockdown for another year! Hmmm…
Spoke to Mike and the boys on Alexa and FaceTime today. Mike has a problem with James’s bike so I had to look at it on FaceTime. I gave him some help but in the end it looks like it will have to be a bike shop job. Bike shops can stay open so hope his local one is OK. I rang my shop to see if the guys who work there are doing OK, they are doing a great job keeping the business going for the boss who is recovering from cancer.
On the subject of the “c” word I had more bad news tonight, another of my KFB colleagues has died after 2 years of cancer. He was my deputy when I was in charge of the Training Centre in the early 80s. A great bloke, I remember him well. RIP. J