First day after the Govt extended lockdown for another 3 weeks at least. The way things look at the moment, over 800 hospital Covid-19 deaths today, it could go on much longer. Visited Mum this morning to do her shopping and collect up her laundry which is not looking all that nice! Some rain tonight and showers most of tomorrow so drying will be a bit difficult. Mum was not having a good day, headache and dizziness. We settled her down a bit with a pill but tonight I got a call from her, she could not find her paracetamol and her bad head had returned. I went to see her and gave her a couple more paracetamol and stayed a little while till she felt a bit better. I left her getting ready for bed. No wine for me tonight just in case another drive is necessary. Hopefully she will be somewhat better tomorrow except that rain is forecast in the morning, which doesn’t help her headaches.

I did get a run in late afternoon. Good one today it went well. Up to Coxheath along to Boughton Monchelsea then down to the Quarries, 6.4 miles and I felt OK. Sue had a 2 miler in the morning so we are both getting some exercise.

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