I seem to be doing a bit more running lately than cycling, but today I did do another local ride and tackled 3 hills again. This time I did the infamous 17% East Hall Hill which made me puff, back down Wierton and then up Loddington Hill. So far so good, a lovely sunny and still day so I went back down Linton Hill and then up Vanity Lane hill. I have to admit that I did stop a couple of times on the hill to take some photos. Just 20 miles today but almost 1500 ft of climbing, so a good workout.

The ride took my mind of the troubles for a while. Very little traffic and hardly anybody about. I had no problem with Social Distancing. In the evening I spoke to Stuart, he is 47 today, family is coping well so fingers crossed we all keep well.

Bike Rest Before Tackling East Hall Hill
Giant Amongst the Bluebells
Letting A Tractor Pass on Vanity Hill
Greensand Way Bridge on Vanity Hill
Legend has it that this was the Grand Old Duke of York hill. I am half way up and half way down!

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