Still no sign of a relaxation in lockdown yet. Spain and Italy are ahead of us and are now about to start a tentative and possibly staged, reduction in controls. However, China are reporting a rise in cases again, blame seems to be people arriving in their country now they have relaxed some controls. Our Bank Holiday weekend seems to have gone reasonably well with the vast majority obeying the rules. It was an unusually hot Easter weekend so I get the impression from the Govt daily press announcement that they are pleased that most of us complied. Still getting some stories, however of idiots flouting the rules.

BH Monday today but a great change in weather as predicted, cold Northerly wind with the temperature down to max of 9 degrees. Lots more people stayed indoors which is good news. The sun came out midday so I mowed the lawn and a bit of weeding then Sue and I walked to local shops, bought some flowers to take to the cemetery. Neither of us realised till we got there that it is locked shut as a precaution., so we have some lovely tulips at home now. We walked home via Mangravet Wood path, which unbelievably, neither of us had been along before. So it made a nice 3 mile walk in total. Since we added walking to our sponsorship for Parkinsons, that’s another £6 towards the total.

No word from Mum ( fingers crossed) or carers today, so I will visit in the morning and see how she has got on without us for 2 days.

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