To end the year I have computer software problems. A change in User name has caused a blip which means I have no access at present to many vital functions. I can access my email account via Mail2web but not through imail. I have an expert working on the problem and hopefully we will get back the lost functions eventually. However, whilst this is distressing there are many more serious issues in the world than my computer so I have to stop being miserable. Went for a short run with Sue today followed by a bike trip to the shops and then down to the pool. This is the first time I believe that I have swum, cycled and run all in one day- albeit that they were short distances. If I do a bit more running on a regular basis I might just have a go at a sprint tri-athlon this year! If the injuries stay away. In the meantime I am starting to get my swimming giung again in readiness for the South East Counties champs at the end of January.
Overall Sue and I have had a good year- two new grandsons, great holidays in Spain and Italy but still no new kitchen. That I suspect will be the priority for the start of 2010.