There are early signs that the Omicron variant is now starting to decline in the UK. Hospital admissions have risen but nothing like in the past two years. Deaths are are increasing slowly but they are recorded as someone who died within 28 days of a positive test. So that doesn’t necessarily mean they died of Covid. Some positive testing has been removed in England and from today isolation is reduced to 5 days subject tom two negative lateral flow tests. That is good news for us but no so elsewhere in the world including Europe where cases are still rising. In the poorer countries they can’t even get the vaccines needed for their people to at least get some form of protection. The booster sessions that we have been helping out with at the surgery have now just about finished. Since Dec 2020 that we have been helping, we have collected nearly £2k from grateful patients. This money has gone to help buy vaccines for poorer countries. A drop in the ocean I know, but every little helps I guess.
Meanwhile, we have two big current headlines. The world number one tennis player Novak Djokovic, has been deported from Australia for breaking Covid rules. He hasn’t been vaccinated at all. Even bigger news it turns out that number 10 had groups of staff partying during the 2020 lockdown when normal people couldn’t even attend funerals. I am not going into all the detail as it is widely reported however, it looks like Boris may be on the way out!
Mum is not good. Since she lost her very last hearing aid I cannot seem to communicate with her at all. Last week she got really upset and so did I. Today, Sue is going to see her rather than me to see if it is my presence that is making the situation worse. We shall see. Hopefully in the next couple of weeks some care home restrictions will be lifted and Sue and I will be able to visit together which may help somewhat.