So that’s Christmas over and so is the start of the new year. All went well as a family. Both families came and stayed one night each and the middle day they were all here together. Noisy and excited children and so were the grandchildren! However, all were OK and it was great time. We managed to all go out for a short walk in the valley for a while, the weather was miserable be weren’t. I popped into see Mum on Xmas Day. There was plenty going on at Barty House so I didn’t stay for long.
The Omicron variant has spread at an alarming rate and today the number of cases is 150,000 per day. However, it is expected to peak by the end of the month so let’s hope it does and then subsides. Some extra precautions at the nursing home, I am the only person allowed to visit Mum which is a shame but understandable. There have been some cases in the home but Mum is still able to wander in the corridors but mustn’t visit others in their rooms. The staff have to keep an eye on her as she tends to do just what she likes. Not in an offensive way, it’s just that she forgets instructions immediately after being given them.
It is clear Mum is showing signs of increased dementia recently, which is a worry. I don’t want her to finish up like her sister Edna who didn’t recognise anyone. Mum gets upset every time I visit and we have a few tears as she says she doesn’t want to live any longer. I tend to distract her with photos of the family and it is nice when Malc and Viv make What’s App contact during my visit. Her hearing is almost not existant and with all her hearing aids permanently lost(via rubbish bins I think) we have bought her a communicator, which is a modern version of the old hearing trumpets. This helps in a small way and I still have to raise my voice and get close to talk. I pass on messages from Malc and Viv and they respond by waving to Mum who waves back.
The Govt are not at present looking to introduce more restrictions at the moment as the number of hospital cases and deaths, whilst rising, are not nearly as bad as last year. It is hoped that the continuing booster vaccinations will help to prevent serious illness. 1 in 15 people inEngland have had are current;ly have, Covid. The next few weeks will be critical. Unfortunately, the anti-vax protesters are rife and there are still about 5% of the population who are eligible, have not had a single jab. Novak Djokovic (or Novacc) as he has been called since making it clear that he doesn’t want a jab at all. Not a very good role model especially as a considerable number of those dying in hospital with Covid, are unvaccinated.
Sue and I and our Rotary club have continued to help by marshalling patients at Blackthorn Clinic. After a big push nationally to get as many as possible booster vaccinated , there was a decline in the numbers coming forward over the Xmas period. However, over 80% of the country have now had 2 jabs.