Despite the mayor of Gt Manchester trying to get an increase in Govt funds to assist individuals and businesses, it was decided by Govt to impose Tier 3 from Friday because according to the PM any payments need to be in line with Liverpool and Lancashire who are already on Tier 3, the highest level of risk. It’s looking unlikely that there will be a national “circuit breaker” lockdown in the immediate future if people in Tiers 2 and 3 abide by the rules. There is a lot of anger coming from the Manchester area and even some individuals determined not to comply. I am glad we moved South when I was a baby! The case rate is increasing everywhere but much more dramatically in the North, I just hope some people start to take this pandemic seriously.
On a much brighter note we had a message today that 11 year old James has been selected to join the Surrey County Under 13s Hockey Squad. He is thrilled and we are all so proud of him. Mike and family are enjoying their half term holiday at the seaside in Sussex.
As for me, today has been a Rotary day. This morning Norman and I removed our wishing well from the leisure centre and I spent some time repairing and cleaning it ready for Polio day on Saturday. This afternoon it was crocus planting day at the old church in Mote Park. Now occupied by the charity Mencap it was once St John’s Church where I was best man to my friend Dave in 1968. He has done well he has been married a year longer than me!