Today the temperatures were up to 25 degrees, just like mid summer. However, a pleasant day tomorrow but then a NE wind comes in and temperatures drop to a max of 9 degrees for a few days. So today we made the most of the sunshine by spending this afternoon in the garden reading and […]
Lazy day at home today following our rather excessive walk yesterday. Weather still very warm and sunny. A bit of gentle gardening this morning but I did manage to sweep and tidy my garage, well, a bit of tidying anyway. All interspersed with some dozing in the sun in the back garden oh yes and […]
Some good news tonight, the PM is out of Intensive Care but remains in hospital. Hopefully all will be well with him. What a beautiful day weatherise. Unbroken clear blue skies and no sign of an aircraft until the evening when about 3 left from London. Top temperature was 23 degrees so after doing some […]
Over 900 deaths today and that is only people in hospitals with Covid-19. Many more in care homes and at home. Message is still lockdown- stay at home with the few exceptions. Sue and I went to give Mum dinner, change bedding and take home washing. Caring for the very vulnerable is one of the […]
Our Prime Minister remains in Intensive Care but not on a ventilator. Dominic Raab his deputy dealing with business but Boris remains in charge. Deaths up over 700 today but some optimism that we should peak in next week or so. Assessment Centre started today, just one patient in morning and a couple in afternoon […]
The main news tonight is that the Prime Minister Boris Johnson has been transferred to Intensive Care in hospital. His Covid -19 condition had worsened. A worrying time for his family and the country. Meanwhile I spent time today at the Assessment Centre in Mote Park helping to set up a team of Stewards to […]
The cases of Covid-19 still continues to rise but the weather is more like Spring, in fact today (Sunday) has been very warm around 20 degrees C. Govt very concerned at groups of people going out and not observing the rules. Understandably he has threatened to not allow outdoor exercise if it continues. Come on […]
Yesterday was another bad day for the world and a good day for the virus. Number of deaths and known cases in UK still rising. So to switch off I decided to do a longish jog to explore the length of the Loose Stream or River as we like to call it. In the morning […]
The last couple of days have found Sue and myself feeling somewhat emotionally knackered. Watching graphs and listening to the death rate from the virus rapidly increasing is depressing. Today is the biggest daily increase so far. 563 deaths today with a total now of 2352. We are trying to not listen to news reports […]
My triathlon friend Les gave me an idea. As I currently don’t have any immediate sporting targets, I need an incentive so I am sponsoring myself £1 for every mile I run during the lockdown. The total will go to Parkinson’s UK, Torridge Branch, which helps my brother a lot with managing his Parkinsons. I […]