So what do a couple do for their 51st Wedding Anniversary. Well, we both went for a short 2 mile run to start with. Then breakfast, poached eggs and toast. Opened our cards and some pressies. Then time for the Remembrance Day ceremony at the Cenotaph. Extremely strange to see no public but brilliantly choreographed […]
This morning Sue and I watched Eric’s funeral online. It was very moving with plenty of tributes and poems from Glynis and Glyn. The celebrant also read out the poem written by my brother Malc about Eric’s life including when we were kids. It was beautifully done and I shed a few tears. The stories […]
So day 1 of the English lockdown. I just hope the one month has some effect in bringing down the R number. Unfortunately, the rules are much less clear this time and walking through town today the big stores were mainly open and consequently many people including myself were out and about. In my defence […]
USA election yesterday. No result yet except Trump has told everyone he has won! Just a small matter of several thousand postal votes still not counted. The margin between Trump and Biden is wafer thin and if Trump loses he has said he will go to the Supreme Court (run by Republicans) because the Democrats […]
Today they are voting for a new President in the USA. The amazing thing is that whilst the polls show Biden ahead, it will be a very close call. Even in a street poll in England it was 50/50. Unbelievable, how on earth can people be so stupid as to worship an uneducated dude who […]
I went for a swim this morning. Managed 2,300 metres in 52 minutes so pleased with that. Popped into Cotswold Outdoor and bought a lightweight waterproof jacket for the many winter walks coming up soon. Then I went into Notcutts for one item but did an about turn , it was packed with people buying […]
November has started quietly for us. A miserable weather day but there was a break in the rain this afternoon so Sue and I had a short walk around the scout land. Other than that reading the paper and me messing about on the computer. FB reports that the town was gridlocked this morning and […]
I was hoping that after 7 months of Covid we would be returning to some sort of normality and I could scale down my blogs. No such luck, the virus is on the rampage again and the PM has put England on a stay at home lockdown from next Thursday until December 2nd. After that […]
Today we have entertained Stuart, Natalie and the boys. They arrived early and just gone home. A busy but enjoyable day. An early highish lunch then off for a walk through the valley. Ollie our family angler spotted a couple of trout so we followed the stream down to Bockinford and we all saw several […]
Cousin Eric died yesterday. He has been ill for a while but still this is a shock and a great loss. Eric has a large family all living in N Wales, although like me, he came originally from Manchester. His Mum Rosemary was a single parent and my Dad spent a lot of time helping […]